Monday, October 14, 2013

You might be a homemaker if (Day 14)

you hate the dreaded "What is for Dinner?" conversation.

I have what I call a "desperation dinner" plan.  Something to serve when you forgot to plan dinner or the cupboard is low.  Some individuals in my family claim that all my dinner's are desperation dinners.  Funny thing is they aren't starving. I know that I am going to fail so I have a plan.

These are my go to's.

canned soup - I know lame but it feeds. When paired with rolls, cornbread or crackers and cheese, it can make a meal

eggs - I usually have eggs.  The whole family is big fans of the breakfast sandwich.  This can be turned into breakfast for dinner.

Pasta - with red sauce, pasta salad, pasta mixed with a protein. This pasta from Trader Joe's has saved my butt numerous times. I have mixed it with sausage, had it with red sauce, turned it into a yummy pasta salad with mixed veggies and cheese.

Ways to Not Find Yourself in "Desperation Dinner" Mode

1. Menu Plan
Life as Mom has a Some ideas on How to Become a Meal Plan Ninja

2. Bulk Cook-I already had written about some ideas here.

3. Reservations (seriously - sometimes defeat is delicious) I don't think this a routine most of us can indulge in regularly but some times it solves what is for dinner.

Check out the rest of my series " You Might Be A Homemaker IF"

******I am linking up with the Nester's 31 Days of Blogging

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