Friday, April 27, 2012

One Red Dot

Chuckles participated in the performance One Red Dot put by his school in collaboration with Western Washington University(WWU). One Red Dot is a pop up book by David A Carter.   Their music teacher wanted to introduce the kids to some real composers. So she used the One Red Dot book as a jumping off point and music students and their professor, Lesley Sommer helped compose the music. The kids depicted and performed each page.  It was very modern.  The WWU students created the background music though the elementary students did perform on the xylophones. The pages were displayed on the screen behind the performers. There were 83 3rd graders participating. Chuckles was in Four Flip Flop Flaps and he was part of the Flip Flop. He was in 5 Wiggle Wobble Widgets and he was part of a Widget.  He was a body percussionist in 6 Fluttering Flicker Clickers and 10 Coiling Curlicues.

The performance was at Western.  I did manage to get Chuckles there but not before turning around 3 times.  Chuckles finally told me this isn't the way.  LOL  They got to go during the day to practice the performance.  It made quite the impression on Chuck. I asked him if this was where he was going to college.  He said he didn't know.
Chuckles before the performance
Chuck performing 5 Wiggle Wobble Widgets

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