Thursday, October 6, 2011

31 days to a Better Desk/Office -Day 6

Why is this office this way? I keep finding myself asking myself this.  I came across the article by Heather Cabot that really resonated with me.

"But as I plowed through the discarded receipts, old columns, lost business cards and books, I discovered that my trouble with organizing my desk and files was more about letting go and less about apathy. I realized that for me, somehow, allowing the clutter pile up was my own way of holding onto the past, creating an easy and physical barrier to moving forward and to accepting that I really am moving ahead with so many of my goals - both personal and professional. The problem with disorder is that while you may feel momentum in your life, you have trouble figuring out the benchmarks - namely because you can't remember where anything is (even though you tell your family you do). "     Heather Cabot - 3 Ways to Have  a Clean Desk

The first part of 2011 was difficult. I just didn't deal with things well. It was a whole litany of things and difficult situations. Things weren't exactly in control in this room but all those things added to my stress and feelings of being stuck.I just gave up in here. Now I have a milestone coming up, I need to make this right so I can launch to bigger and better things.

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