Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Haman's Ears and the Study of Esther

The bible study I have been attending has been doing the Beth Moore Bible Study of Esther: It's Tough being a Woman. This is the second Beth Moore study I have done. I love how Beth Moore can tie everything together. Her studies are intense. I know this story resonated with a lot of woman in our group. There are a couple of things that I keep coming back to. The place where Esther says, "...and if I perish, I perish." (Esther 4:16) She basically reached out and took a risk for the greater good of the Jewish people. It was risking her own life. Beth Moore also talked about the what if's in our lives. How sometimes those what if's become paralyzing. I also like the devotional saying that was included in the study by Beth Moore.

If _____

then God will take care of me.

If _______

then God has a plan.

If _______

then God desires to accomplish something monumental in me.

If _________

then God's going to demonstrate HIs sufficiency to me.

At the end of the study there was a recipe for the traditional cookie Haman's ears or Hamantashen served during the Jewish Celebration of Purim. Haman is the villain in Esther. My Haman's ears came out OK. I filled mine with Raspberry Jam. The dough was really crumbly. They did really taste good with with coffee or tea.

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